Saturday 22 June 2013

Makepung, Traditional Bull Race from West Bali

Mekepung attraction Bull Race is derived from Jembrana District, Bali. Mekepung means romp, inspiration emerged from the activities of the processing stages of the rice field soil pulverization stages into mud mats using Slau plow. Slau mats plow drawn by two buffaloes, and as a means of decoration on the neck buffalo buffalo then the bell necklace gerondongan (gongseng large) so that when the buffalo pull plows running mats slau it will sound like the sound of the music. Due to mutual aid work then there are many who plows each drawn by two buffaloes were ridden by a coachman sat on mats slau plow.

Do Mekepung in this field developed around 1930 and its Sais (riders) soldiers dressed ancient kingdom in Bali are wearing headband, scarf, selempod, trousers waist barefoot and wearing a sword tucked poleng gloves (black and white ). Makepung divided into 2 regions (blocks) the western block (green), a block east (red).

If you have never felt the atmosphere of a traditional bull race, Makepung this would probably be the right choice

So, come and enjoy the uniqueness of Bali

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